Sunday, December 28, 2008

sNow What?

Smithfield made it on the news...we received 18 inches of snow on Christmas day! The photo above shows my Honda Fit stuck in our driveway the morning of the 26th - and I'll have you know that we swept about 10 inches off of it and had the entire driveway shoveled before we went to bed the night before. We decided to buy ourselves a little something to celebrate the occasion...

About a week ago, Cadyn informed me that he had a loose tooth and was going to pull it out so he could get some money. I wasn't even aware the tooth was there because it was hiding behind his adult teeth. He pulled the tooth and was putting it in a ziploc baggie to place under his pillow when he made a comment that he wondered who the Tooth Fairy was. I told him that it was a little fairy, of course. He said "Well...I don't think it's dad...'cuz he can't get up for nuthin'!" It gave me quite a chuckle. The funnier part to the story is that the very next night he pulled out another tooth! Kids these days!!! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and that you all received everything you wanted. I asked for a clean house...maybe next year :( The boys had a great time and Cadyn even said that this was his best Christmas ever.


jhjonze said...

I'm glad you had a great Christmas and lots of snow. Oh and good luck with the clean house goal. I'm convinced mine will never ever be clean!

Guerrero Family said...

Hey, winter is a wonderland!!! But I can't wait for summer to put up the pool and float around with some brewskies! I am glad to see that you're family is doing so well. Kids (and husbands) are always a treat and keep us busy!